Rest. Cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.

I’ve included this definition because I’d bet you’re like me and don’t even remember what rest means. We, as a society in general and as women in particular, seem to think our job is to be fully energized and moving at all times. That is a lie and not true!
Erma Bombeck, an American Humorist who found fame for her syndicated newspaper column discussing suburban home life from 1965 to 1996, often joked about the pace that women keep. When asked “If I had my life to live over, would I change anything?” her truthful response included numerous things she’d do differently. One, in particular, said: “I would have gone to bed when I was sick, instead of pretending the Earth would go into a holding pattern if weren’t there for a day.”
How many times have I done this? How many times have you been guilty of this?
Our dear friend Nicole of Nicole Blair Wear recently published this statement in her most recent e-letter: “Time away, no matter how hard it can be to close that laptop or silence work notifications, is so important to our growth. Allow yourself the time to kick your feet up, relax, let loose and have fun with people who bring you the most joy!”

Friends, time away to cease work or movement, time away to relax and refresh oneself, time away to recover your strength is not optional. It was never intended for us to not rest. I didn’t fully understand this until my recent get away with a dear friend. It was only 4 days, including two travel days, but it made a world of difference in my state of mind, in my body, in my ability to see more clearly, in my dealings with people. It made me “me” again. And to think, my initial response when asked if I’d go on this quick trip was “No thank you.” [Good thing that made my friend mad and she helped me see the error of my ways.]
Based on my experience, here’s a suggested “To Do” list:
- Sleep in until you can’t sleep any more.
- It’s ok to stay up late talking, laughing, binge watching your favorite series.
- Find the adult pool. You don’t have your kids with you so don’t be distracted by other people’s children.
- Share your heart.
- Laugh until tears come down your legs.
- Let the mental space you find help provide clarity.
In our many discussions during our time away, we both learned a few things about ourselves. We pondered big ideas and found a spark of clarity – that “or maybe …” sense of beginning a new chapter. These kinds of gems are only found in the clear space we intentionally create away from our daily lives. Don’t miss the gift. Take the trip.
We’d love to hear your thoughts. Share your experience the next time we’re behind the curtain! —Carla