We recently read a Facebook post asking about one specific bra brand as compared to another. The double-digit comments ranged from answering the question directly, to recommendations for other brands to then discussing the other shopping options available. It was quite an eye opener for me to see into the thought process regarding bra shopping. What I came away with is that there is a huge need for more education! I feel like Mighty Mouse ~ “Here I come to save the day!”
You may be surprised to know that in my world, the average cup size is E-F and almost 90% of women I’ve seen in the past 13 years are in the wrong size bra. A professional bra fitting can be life changing. But don’t take my word for it. Check out what Sally had to say about her recent experience Watch Now
The science behind bra design mirrors that of suspension bridge design, considered to be an engineering marvel. Breast tissue is supported naturally by Cooper’s Ligaments. As these ligaments stretch over time, they aren’t able to provide the same support. Breast tissue should be in the middle of your arm between your shoulder and elbow. The support actually comes from the band of the bra, not the straps. To get the support you need, the band needs to fit snugly around your torso and sit right where your breast tissue starts on your frame. The straps do a mere 10% of the work. Their job is to snuggle the cup to your breast.
Manufacturing techniques and material selection play a part in the longevity of your bra. Quality products in mean a quality product out. It’s a cliché but true: you get what you pay for.
Ladies – and gentlemen – there are many, many, many bra manufacturers out there and each one is going to fit a woman’s body slightly different. Differences in design, style, fabric, even color provide subtle changes to fit, support and comfort. Come in. Let us help you find the brand, the style, the fit that works for you. We’ll meet you “Behind the Curtain.”
Photo featuring Bra/Panties by Lisa Charmel
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