Need we say more? #CamelStatues
To say this is a crazy time seems like such an understatement. You look out the window and all seems relatively normal, but it’s not.
I believe with every fiber of my being that everything will be ok, eventually. We are heart sick for those who have lost loved ones already and fear more will follow. But this dark time will end. And we will find our new normal. But until that time, there are some things we all can do to help one another.
- Don’t panic. I still don’t understand the fact that we can’t find toilet paper anywhere, but let’s watch out for one another. Buy what you need. Share what you have with someone in need. We’re in this together.
- Be Patient. Many companies are working with reduced staff members. We’re all doing the best we can. Remember, we’re in this together.
My favorite meal from Eggshell Bistro at Carmel City Center
- Say Thank You. Be kind to those who are working and serving.
- Buy Local Gift Cards. For a small business that lives to see and serve the public, you can imagine the devastation of the daily loss in business they are experiencing. Even if shopping isn’t something you’re doing right now, you can still help support local organizations by buy gift cards to use later, when life returns to normal.
- Clean out your closets and drawers. This forced “stay” can be put to good use. Make room for the new things to come. Clothes, coats, shoes, etc. that you are no longer wearing but with life left in them can go to area women’s shelters Dress for Success, Dove Recovery House, Prevail and The O’Conner House. There are more here locally, however these can get you started. Your “Gently Loved” and “Loved to Death” bras can come to us for recycling and re-purposing. In February we provided professional fittings for many of the ladies at Dove Recovery House. It was a special evening for all of us. We will be looking to do more events like this with your “Gently Loved” bra donations.
- We’d love to see you here at the store. For bras, we have private fitting sessions available that can work with your schedule. However, we also can serve you while honoring social distancing. If we’ve fit you here in the store in the past, we have all your bra fitting information and can help you place an order from our in-stock items. For other intimates like sleepwear, robes, panties, etc. you can come by and pick up or enjoy drive-by pickup. And men, we’ve got your Saxx. Ready to part with your other inadequate underwear? You can call your order in and we’ll package it and meet you in front of the store with your goodies. And, we’re offering free shipping for the time being.
We are here at the store Monday-Friday from 10AM-5PM and Saturday 10AM-4PM. However, we are leaving the door locked and ask that you call when you get here.
To help with “at home shopping” we are working on a “Look Book” experience on Instagram (@UpliftIntimateApparel) so you can “see” some of the beautiful spring fashion items we have in-stock. As we finalize this development we’ll be posting on Instagram and Facebook.
Please, please know how much we appreciate all of you. If there is ANYTHING we can do for you, please let us know.
P.S. I’m socially struggling here. Calls and drop by waves are so appreciated!
I have bras to donate. How do I do this?
Janie, this is wonderful news! If you want to do this now and are local, Carla is in the store from 10-4 Monday-Saturday. The door is locked but she’s there so you can drop them there and then give her a call at 317-853-6007 to let her know they are there. Or you can mail them to us at 711 Veterans Way, Carmel, IN 46032. Thank you for your generosity!