With the coming of each new year, I like to spend a bit of time and reflect on the experiences and lessons of the year ending. 2018 will go down as an exceptional growth year for me. As many of you know, Uplift Intimate Apparel is the manifestation of a faith journey that began in 2016.
I’m on the far side of 50 – ok, 60! I left my home, friends and very full life of 40+ years in Virginia Beach, VA and came “home” to Indiana. Uplift is my absolute passion. Using intimate apparel as the tools, we’re able to be instrumental in transforming women’s self-image and confidence. Lives are changed “behind the curtain.”
As I’ve pondered these past 12 months, there are several items worth mentioning because you are a huge part of each of these initiatives:
- We celebrated Uplift’s first Anniversary in May. In a world where so much shopping is done online, it’s wonderful to share the experience of intimate apparel with so many of you – live and in person.
- We rolled out our Panties on Purpose fund-raising initiative for Restored, Inc.
- Our Gently Loved program of bra donations (from so many of you) and fittings was kicked off in August with us visiting and fitting several of the young women at O’Connor House.
- We participated in Purposeful Living, Inc.’s Women’s Conference and experienced first-hand lives changed through the Gospel.
These are just a few of the actual tangible “events” for the year. However, based on what I’ve learned from “behind the curtain” this year, my biggest take-aways can be summed up by this simple question; “is it possible?”
Is it possible that society has sexualized big bra cups so much that many women would rather think “I am fat and need a bigger band” then “I am thin and need a bigger cup.”
Is it possible that we get so busy taking care of others that we slowly stop paying attention to ourselves? We only notice when someone close to us says something that makes us see the holes in our underwear.
Is it possible that the mass produced, inexpensive bra that doesn’t fit and can be purchased from every chain retail store on most corners in the U.S. – is barely addressing the need and actually causing more harm than good?
Is it possible that our own body insecurities keep us from really addressing the pain in our neck, back, head and shoulders?
Is it possible that we think our partners are expecting Victoria’s Secrets like perfection from us when all they really want is for us to be comfortable and happy?
Is it possible to value and appreciate the artistry of fine lingerie without devaluing ourselves as a sexual object or toy?
Is it possible that our personal baggage includes a preconceived vision of who we are that is not very accurate and this inaccurate vision controls our level of self-confidence?
Is it possible to first care more about what is on the inside rather than the outside?
This year, right here and now, let’s all vow to change the mind sets and preconceived ideas that are keeping us from being all we can. Let’s get out of our own way and boldly go into the future looking for the possibilities and the opportunities it brings to be better versions of who we are – beautiful, wonderful women!
We look forward to serving you “behind the curtain” and welcome your thoughts here. We wish you a Happy and Prosperous 2019!
Carla, congratulations on your endeavors!!!! As long as I can remember, you have always been a hard worker & strived for success. I am so happy for you!!
Thank you Mary Jane. So nice to hear from you. It’s a lot of work yet I love every minute of it. I’m the lucky one!
Carla – Awesome thoughts and great suggestions!! So excited for you in 2019 and so proud of you for all you’ve done for others and your “ministry”!
Thank you Linda! As you know, I’m one of the lucky ones and get to LOVE what I do! Thank you for the well wishes and kind words!
You know how much I love your store, the selection, quality and care that you take with your clients. Now you are offering wonderful evening events that encourage and teach women about how to take care of themselves. We are both blessed to do what we love and make others feel loved. Thank you for all that you do and for being a wonderful human being! Mendi