So many of us make New Year’s Resolutions or come up with a word for the year. Does it work? For some, yes; for others, not so much. Something we saw this year that we liked was a few ideas of how to “live in the coming year.” Not as strict as a goal and not as random as a word. These were mindsets, things that would shape your 2024 portrait. We like this approach. With this in mind, we’ve come up with a few thoughts we think are worth pursuing.
“I don’t want to work myself to the point where I’m too tired to recover.”
A friend of ours went on a cruise in December before the holidays. She had a great time and said she came back “rested.” Then she proceeded to tell us how she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this way. Think about that statement – “I don’t remember the last time I felt rested.” Could these words come out of your mouth? They could come out of mine – and there are a lot of things wrong with this. Think of all we miss when we never get to a place of rested .. recovered .. well. We keep trying to do more. However in trying to do more, we seem to just get more behind .. And the more behind we get, the more tired we get .. And the more tired we get, the slower and less productive we become .. And our lower/slower productivity means we try to do more … Do you see the pattern, the vicious cycle? Could it be possible for us to get off the this crazy circle and do it different? Could we try to rest when we need it? Or better yet, rest when it’s time to rest – each day. Think of the outcome when we prioritize our “rest.” Could it lead to improved creativity and productivity? Could it be good for our souls? Something to ponder.
“I want to have margin in my life for friends and fun.”
When was the last time you had unplanned fun .. and didn’t feel guilty about having it? When was the last time you played “hooky” with a friend and loved it? If you can’t remember, you’re missing out on one of life’s greatest gifts – margin. Just like in good design where white space (margin) is our friend, margin in our lives can be a best friend! There will always be work, responsibilities, should of tasks. Let’s put value on the intangible gift of free time shared with friends and loved ones doing nothing or doing something fun. Let’s call it “being in the moment.” That’s what margin looks like.
“I want to continue growing in the areas that are important to me.”
Whatever your passion, how long are you going to let it sit in the corner, unattended? Let 2024 be the year you pull out our bucket list and start actively working on it. Pick one thing and start. Give yourself permission to grow.
These are just a few mindsets to ponder for 2024. Come up with your own. We’d love to hear your thoughts and your desires .. your portrait for 2024.
Until we meet again, Behind the Curtain … Carla